ADA 2015 Scientific Session is over
The last days were exciting with lots of news from the diabetes world. It was a great meeting. Here you can see a list of the Profil posters. We have some of the posters available for download. If you are interested, just follow the link and download the posters. Note that for copyright issues not all posters are available for download.

- "Particle Size Does Not Impact the Pharmacokinetic Response of a Novel Inhaled Human Insulin", #1028-P.
- "Inhaled Human Insulin Has a Dose-Linear Response and Similar Within-Subject Variability as Rapid-Acting Insulin Lispro", #978-P.
- "Ultra-Rapid BioChaperone Insulin Lispro (BC LIS): Linear Dose-Response and Faster Absorption than Insulin Lispro (LIS)", #979-P.
- "Insulin Injection into Regions with Lipohypertrophy Worsens postprandial Blood Glucose Versus Injections into Normal Tissue", #1000-P.
- "Lipohypertrophy (LHT) Leads to Blunted, More Variable Insulin Absorption and Action in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes (T1DM)", #1019-P.
- "Similar Counterregulatory Hormone Responses to Hypoglycemia with Basal Insulin Peglispro (BIL) vs. Insulin Glargine (GL) in Type 1 Diabetes", #993-P
- "Faster Acting Insulin Aspart Using Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion (CSII): Earlier Onset of Exposure and Greater Early Pharmacokinetic (PK) and Pharmacodynamic (PD) Effects than Insulin Aspart", #1005-P
- "Dapagliflozin Decreases Postprandial Glucose without Increase in C-Peptide or Insulin", #1249-P.
- "Empagliflozin (EMPA) Decreases Glucose Exposure and Variability in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes (T1DM): Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) Data (EASE-1)",#1241-P.
- "Linagliptin Improves Retinal Endothelial Function and Blood Flow in Nondiabetic, Hypertensive Subjects", #1302-P.
As the ADA has come to end end, we are starting gearing up for the EASD in Stockholm in September. Look out for news on our blog for the first information coming soon. We are looking forward to meeting you there and presenting also a number of exciting projects in Stockholm.