
"Profil World" - The clinical diabetes research newsletter - February 2019 (Clone)

Posted by Svenya Meister on Oct 7, 2021 10:26:36 AM

Dear all,

Greetings from Germany! I am happy to share with you the newest edition of "Profil World" - our newsletter filled with information about clinical research in diabetes and obesity.

Free live Online Seminar: Understanding the results of glucose clamp studies

Glucose-clamp-studies_webinar_on-demand_linked-in_637x340Join us for our next online seminar titled: "Understanding the results of glucose clamp studies". It will take place on March 5th at 4 PM CEST. Dr. Tim Heise, Lead Scientist and chairman of the board of directors at Profil, will be presenting the insights into this topic. Make sure not to miss this unique opportunity. Register here.


Glucose-responsive insulin

medical-technolgoy-research_210x110The first idea for a glucose-responsive insulin (GRI, commonly referred to as smart insulin) was pitched almost 40 years ago, but to our knowledge only one compound has since undergone clinical evaluation. The concept may be simple, suggested solutions are complex and diverse. Read our blog post on glucose-responsive insulin.


Profil recently published a study on oral basal insulin in type 2 diabetes

0090_RGB__Read our publication on the efficacy and safety of oral basal insulin versus subcutaneous insulin glargine in type 2 diabetes. The study was a randomised, double-blind, phase 2 trial. If you are interested in our other publications please click here.



Meet us at upcoming conferences 


Are you interested in knowing more about Profil? We attend all major conferences focused on diabetes, so if you are planning to go to any upcoming conference, we would love to schedule a meeting and tell you more about our expertise!

Upcoming events: DGPharMed in Berlin (3/28-29/2019), DDG in Berlin (5/29-6/1/2019), ADA in San Francisco (6/7-11/2019)


We wish you a good week and look forward to the next "Profil World",

Svenya Meister - Online Marketing Manager


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