
Free Online Seminar: Advancements in oral insulin development (Clone) (Clone)

Posted by Maria Andresen on Oct 7, 2021 10:27:38 AM

Profil continues the successful series of scientific online seminars. On November 2nd, 2021 at 4 PM CEST we will air our next free online seminar. The session is presented by Dr. Eric Zijlstra, Executive Project Director at Profil at Profil:

Oral Insulins

Why should you watch the online seminar?

To continue the search for an oral insulin pill, technological advances to increase insulin absorption from the gastrointestinal tract are needed. Nanotechnology and ingestible insulin application systems are amongst newly proposed ideas that may provide an oral insulin delivery platform in the future.

In this online seminar we will emphasize how to optimise and conduct a clinical trial for oral insulins. 

Who should attend this online seminar

This online seminar is aimed at all interested in oral insulin development.

Interested in the online seminar?

So, if you want to learn more about this upcoming session, then register today or click on the button below. 

Watch now

Feel free to browse our archive of scientific online seminars to watch our previous recordings.

Topics: Clinical Trials in Diabetes, Treating Diabetes, Clinical Trial Methods